ECOCYCLET® A new Green Paradigm for Water Reuse
The patented EcocyclET system operates as a planted recirculating sand filter for treatment and reuse purposes or in combination with evapotranspiration for zero discharge. The option to use it as a recirculating sand filter gives assurances to state and local regulators that at the core, the EcocyclET is a tried-and-true treatment technology with additions that make it a superior system for state-of-the-art water reuse.
Operated as a recirculating sand filter, the loading rate ranges from 3 gallons per square foot per day to 5 gallons per square foot per day, which means that a system with a 600 square foot bed could treat, but not necessarily evapo-transpire, 1,800 to 3,000 gallons per day, more if the system is designed to treat storm water only.
The EcocyclET design is based on the proven fact that effluent such as stormwater, blackwater, or graywater can be accumulated in a storage system such as a septic tank; transferred to a recirculating tank then irrigated to a lined bed fitted with an under drain. The bed, planted with valuable and thirsty green plants, evaporates and transpires all the treated effluent. Any excess effluent not evapo-transpired that day is returned to the recirculation tank. The process is controlled by a programmable logical controller located in an above ground panel. Alternately, treated effluent is disinfected and piped to a holding cistern for non-potable purposes such as lawn or crop irrigation. In the latter manifestation, it avoids completely the need for a back up disposal field. We call this application the Ecocyclet Wisconsin Reuse System because it is an approved reuse system in Wisconsin for applications where soils are too poor for a back-up soil absorption system.
Pre-Packaged Components
EcocyclET, LLC offers pre-packaged kits of Orenco components for various applications of its patented technology that grows away wastewater while creating valuable plants with the option of treating it for reuse. The kit provides all nonliving material required to construct the systems with the exception of the inground tanks, plants, bed media, bed shelters, and insulation if required, all of which can be sourced locally thus saving shipping costs. The kits will include alarms, control panel, pumps, impervious liner, distribution and splitter valves, prebed aeration, disinfection system, and all piping to construct the patented EcocyclET Water Reuse system. If required, our authorized distributors can provide turnkey installation.
The most specified kit is the EcocyclET Water Reuse System, WRS600, with a 600 square foot bed, 30 feet by 20 feet. The WRS600 is of sufficient size to evapo-transpire the effluent from a 3-bedroom residence but uptake rates will vary according to local climate conditions. Some installations in cold climates may require heated greenhouses.
Read a detailed paper about the EcocyclET written by David Del Porto.
For inquiries and to learn more about the EcocyclET contact us by email at or by telephone at area code 617-431-4341.

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